This Money Saving DIY Laundry Pre-Treat is the first of many articles I’ll be sharing on DIY Cleaners and Non-Toxic Home Fixes. Please let me know what products you’d like me to feature!
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Have you seen the cost of Shout or other laundry pre-treat products lately? Honestly, I haven’t – because I got completely fed up with the prices many years ago!
I discovered my first laundry pre-treat recipe on The Frugal Girls website. It’s still a great resource!
Instructions for Making Money Saving DIY Laundry Pre-Treat
Money Saving DIY Laundry Pre-Treat is easy to make and use. Occasionally, I have to pre-treat more than once, but I’ll live with that for the price differential.
First you will need to gather all of your materials. It’s a great idea to always check your shelves before you go shopping! After all, if you have the item on hand, why bother with the time, effort and expense of shopping.
- Empty spray bottle, preferably dark colored.
- Funnel
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Dawn original blue dish soap
- Baking Soda
- Measuring Spoon, 1T or 1/8 cup
- Permanent Marker
![Money Saving DIY Laundry Pre-Treat](
If you need to shop for any of these items, I recommend you start at Dollar Tree. I could have said a dollar store, but in my experience only Dollar Tree offers items for a dollar! I can usually get a 32 oz container of Hydrogen Peroxide for $1. They regularly carry plastic spray bottles (though they don’t tend to hold up well over the years) and they are likely to have the other items too.
![Bite Sized Activities for At Home Learners](
With the funnel, add 16 oz of Hydrogen Peroxide to the spray bottle. Next, add about one third to half a 9 oz. bottle of original blue Dawn. I just estimate the Dawn and use about half my 32 oz bottle of peroxide, but you can use a liquid measuring cup if you want to be exact. Then add 2 Tablespoons of baking soda and swirl to mix. That’s it!
Start with the Hydrogen Peroxide Add dish soap next. Add baking soda last.
Important Tips:
- If you are re-using a spray bottle, be sure it didn’t contain anything hazardous, and that it’s thoroughly washed.
- Don’t put the baking soda in first or it will be difficult to mix. I learned this the hard way, even though I’ve been making this for years!
- Swirl gently to mix so the solution doesn’t foam up and out!
- Use a dark spray bottle to keep the hydrogen peroxide from decomposing from light exposure.
- If you don’t have a dark bottle, keep your money saving DIY laundry pre-treat inside a cabinet, out of the light.
- You can also mix the solution in an empty peroxide bottle and pour on stains instead of spraying.
- Use a permanent marker to label your Pre-Treat.
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How to use your Money Saving DIY Laundry Pre-Treat
Before putting each load of laundry in the washer, take a quick look to see if anything needs pretreating. Though I’ve encouraged my husband to let me know to be on the look out for a stained item, I still need to check! I spray stains heavily, so the solution gets used up quickly, but I always found the commercial pre-wash products were used up even faster!
When I fold laundry, I look over the garments. If I find a stain that I missed, or one that was pretreated but not completely gone, I just toss it back to do again. Since my clothes are nearly all hung to dry, I rarely have to worry about the dryer setting a stain.
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